Unusual Pet Symptoms You Should Never Ignore

Cat at vet.

As devoted pet parents, we know it’s important to shower our fur babies with plenty of TLC, keep up with their routine wellness exams, and seek treatment when we spot the signs of pet illness. However, knowing when our pets are sick can be tricky sometimes. Pet health warning signs can be subtle, especially early on, so our team at Harpeth Hills Animal Hospital has put together a list of 10 unusual pet symptoms that should never be ignored.

Pet Health Warning Signs

  1. Behavior changes: Unexplained pet behavior such as aggression, irritability, hiding, attention-seeking, disorientation, or excessive vocalizations can indicate stress, pain, or illness. 
  1. Lethargy: Cat parents know that laziness is just par for the course, but if your fairly active pet is suddenly sedentary for more than a couple of days, an examination is in order. Illness, chronic pain, heart problems, or other serious conditions can cause prolonged lethargy. 
  1. Loss of appetite: A little fluctuation in appetite is nothing unusual, but a sudden loss of appetite that lasts more than a day can be a sign of serious illness. 
  1. Rapid weight loss (or gain): Unexplained weight changes can indicate a serious underlying condition, such as a metabolic disorder, cancer, or intestinal parasites
  1. Excessive thirst or urination: Urinary tract infections, diabetes, and kidney disease can cause pets to suddenly start drinking more than usual, urinating more frequently, and/or having accidents in the house or outside the litter box.
  1. Difficulty breathing: Pets exhibiting pet emergency symptoms like wheezing or choking should be seen immediately by your veterinarian or the nearest emergency clinic.
  1. Severe vomiting or diarrhea: An occasional upset tummy may not indicate a serious illness, but persistent vomiting or diarrhea warrants a vet visit. This fluid loss can lead to dangerous levels of dehydration, especially in kittens and puppies or senior pets
  1. Strained urination: Difficulty urinating, going just a small amount, blood in the urine, and having accidents are potential signs that a pet is struggling with a urinary tract infection, bladder cancer, or bladder stones. 
  1. Persistent coughing or sneezing: All pets cough or sneeze occasionally, but ongoing symptoms can signal respiratory problems, allergies, or a trapped foreign object. 
  1. Lameness or limping: Sudden, unexplained changes in mobility, such as trouble walking, a reluctance to go up and down stairs, or difficulty getting out of their pet bed can point to a chronic joint condition, an injury, or arthritis. 

Seek Early Treatment for Unusual Pet Symptoms

You know your pet better than anyone. Seek treatment for any unexplained pet behavior or signs of pet illness, no matter how minor it may seem. Health conditions in pets can escalate quickly, and earlier intervention promotes better outcomes for your precious pets. Please contact us right away if you notice any pet health warning signs or if it’s time for your pet’s wellness visit.