Our Blog
Wreaking Havoc: Periodontal Disease in Pets
We all know how important regular pet dental care is for ourselves and our children. We brush twice a day, floss, and see our dentist for cleanings twice a year. But what if we told you the same care is needed for your pets?
It’s true! Imagine what your mouth would feel like if you never brushed your teeth or saw the dentist. This is a fact of life for most pets, but it doesn’t have to be the case.
And there’s good reason to make regular dental care for your pet a priority. Periodontal disease in pets is the most common health condition in pets today. So common, in fact, that by the time pets are 4 years of age, over 85% of them have some form of dental disease.
Harpeth Hills Animal Hospital’s Top Pet Care Blogs of 2018.
Once again we’ve closed out another year, and it’s time to look back and reflect on all the memories, moments, and accomplishments of 2018. Aside from taking a cue from social media and all the many (sometimes ridiculous) “Top 10” lists appearing everywhere, we like to take time to look back and feel grateful for our patients, clients, and friends who made 2018 a most wonderful year for Harpeth Hills Animal Hospital. Thank you!
Each year we also like to look back at our monthly pet care blogs to make sure we are providing you with relevant, timely, and interesting (and sometimes plain fun!) content. By measuring clicks and shares, we also have compiled our own list of Harpeth Hills Animal Hospital’s top pet care blogs of 2018.
We hope you enjoy this peek into what blogs inspired the most this year!
New Year’s Resolutions for Pets
The clock is getting ready to strike midnight on New Year’s Eve and many of us have already been thinking about our new year’s resolutions. This year, you may be resolving to be more mindful, hit the gym more or spend more time with family and friends. But have you thought about any New Year’s resolutions for pets?
If not, we’re ready with a few ideas to help launch you into a new year of pet happiness, health and longevity. Read on and give us a call if you have any questions!
Continue…Quality of Life Assessment for Pets: When to Let Go
One of the tragedies of owning pets is that they never outlive us. Indeed, there are so many exciting, wonderful, and fun times to be had with our pets, and it’s our continuing goal to help you keep them as healthy and happy for a lifetime. But when their life is winding down, how do you know when it’s time to let them go?
This can be one of the most difficult and even agonizing decisions we face as pet owners. However, there are some excellent assessment tools for evaluating your pet’s quality of life that can help you to make a decision that is the kindest to them as well as peaceful for you. When you’re ready to discuss these difficult conversations, let us know. Harpeth Hills Animal Hospital is here for you.
Continue…Mark Your Calendars: Pet Activities in Nashville You Won’t Want to Miss!
The weather is cooling off, the school year schedule is firmly in place, and the fall foliage provides a gorgeous backdrop for the wide array of events taking place in our wonderful city. There’s no better way to celebrate the season than by grabbing your pet and heading out to enjoy one (or two or three) of these upcoming pet activities in Nashville.
Continue…Relax: Back to School Tips for Your Pets
It’s that time of year – the excitement of a new school year is in the air. Along with the anticipation of new teachers, classmates, and maybe even a new school comes shorter days at home and more activities outside the home. Pets who have been used to attention from their kids during the summer may feel sudden anxiety with all the change. But, don’t worry. We have plenty of back-to-school tips for your pets to ease the transition for all.
Back to School Tips for Your Pets
Changes in routine can cause anxiety in many pets. They’ve been used to a house full of people, and lots of attention from your kids. Here are some tips to help you alleviate anxiety for your pets when it’s time to go back to school. Continue…
Unconditional Love: The Benefits of Owning a Pet
If you have pets, you know what a mood boost it is to see your dog greet you at the door after a long day at work. Or how good it feels to have your cat jump up on your lap for some snuggle time. This human-animal bond is something we can all feel, and perhaps even explain. But did you know that pet ownership is also good for your health? Aside from the feel-good aspect of pet ownership, there are mental, emotional, and physical benefits, too. What’s not to love?
Harpeth Hills Animal Hospital sees the bond between pets and their people every day, and it’s one of the very best parts of our job. So, we were excited to dig deeper into the health benefits of owning a pet. Continue…
Hanging with Pets in Nashville? We’ve Got You Covered!
Cashville. Smashville. NashVegas. Music City, U.S.A. No matter what you call it, Nashville is a true delight for locals and tourists. Besides being known for the many fun and fascinating things to look at, listen to, and do, Nashville is also making a name for itself as a pet-friendly city. Whether you want to hear some music, catch a quick bite, or commune with nature, there are no shortage of places to enjoy with your pets in Nashville.
Dining with Pets in Nashville
It couldn’t be easier to dine out with your pet on one of the many pet-friendly patios in our friendly, easy going city. Check out some of the following establishments for a meal or drink with your pooch:
Pet Grooming: Keep to a Routine for Optimal Health
The business of self-care is a big one. Drive down any main thoroughfare, and you’ll see a menagerie of nail salons, spas, and barber shops. We feel good when we look good – and the same is true for animals. Sure, many pets keep themselves fairly tidy (we’re looking at you, cats), but self-grooming is no match for the full-service variety. You get a fresh-smelling, clean pet at home, but what’s more, they feel their best when regular pet grooming is a priority.
Paws-itive Impact
Think about how often you clean, comb, and brush your own hair. Well, dogs and cats experience the same great feeling with routine brushing. This helps remove loose hairs and debris, stimulates blood flow to the skin, and evenly distributes naturally occurring oils. Say goodbye to hairballs! Continue…
The Parasite Predicament: What You Need to Know About Fleas and Ticks
Dealing with fleas and ticks is one of the downsides of pet ownership, but it is one that must be tackled head on. Fleas and ticks can cause significant problems for your pet and for their human family members. Learning about these pesky parasites – namely, what you can do to prevent them from coming into contact with your pet – is a critically important part of responsible pet ownership.
Flea Fears
Fleas pack a powerful punch for being so tiny (an adult flea is about 1-2 mm in length). A female can lay up to 50 eggs in a day, which is why it only takes a few fleas on your pet to cause a full-blown infestation in your home.
Yes, they’re annoying and cause serious discomfort for your pet, but fleas can also pass on some pretty nasty pathogens, including Bartonella (cat-scratch fever), tapeworm, and even Bubonic plague.
Flea and tick medication is essential to keep these pests away from your pet. Bathing and brushing your pet regularly, and making sure their bedding and other items are laundered frequently, will also help to cut down on the chances of fleas completing their life cycle in your home. Continue…