Why Is My Pet Drinking So Much?

dog drinking water.

Drinking water and staying hydrated is just as important for animals as it is for humans. Water keeps us (and our beloved pets) healthy, and is necessary for daily life and bodily functions. While it may be easy to keep track of your own water intake, the same may not be as easily said for your pets. Pet owners may be wondering how much water their pet should be drinking and if they are drinking enough. 

There may also be times when you notice your pet is drinking more water than usual. This could be a symptom that something is up with your pet. The team at Harpeth Hills Animal Hospital is here to help you be aware and know when to be on the lookout for signs your furry friend may need a wellness check


The Five Most Common Eye Problems in Pets

Dog eye problems.

Pet owners spend a lot of time gazing into their pet’s eyes. It’s like we can feel the human-animal bond revitalized and reconnected each and every time we sustain meaningful eye contact. This amount of attention is great because if any issues start to affect our pet’s eyes, we can spot them straight away. The five most common eye problems in pets might never affect your best friend, but knowing exactly what to look for can lead to early intervention and effective treatment.


Dog Wellness for Flat-Nose Breeds

Pug nose puppy running.

Flat-nose dog breeds, like the English bulldog, French bulldog, pug, and Boston terrier have become very popular over the last few years. They fall under the category called brachycephalic, or simply put, short-headed.  

There are some health complexities to these lovable breeds. Before owning one, be aware that these boop-able noses require some extra dog wellness care


Did You Miss Me? (Feline Separation Anxiety is a Real Thing, Too)

Cat staring out window

While our kitty companions may be good at pretending like they don’t really need you, the truth is that cats love and become attached to their owners as well. While separation anxiety is a well-described and recognized phenomenon in dogs, our team at Harpeth Hills Animal Hospital understands that feline separation anxiety is a real thing, too. Here’s what you need to know:


Dog Training: Why Is My Small Dog So Aggressive Towards Big Dogs?

Small aggressive dog.

Small dogs are cute, portable, friendly and so lovable! However, many small dog breeds have a reputation for being yappy and scrappy. Where does this behavior come from and how can pet owners handle these big-scale reactions from their small-scale companions? 

At Harpeth Hills Animal Hospital, we can help you with understanding dog training needs and handle this particular pet behavior, along with many others.


What’s That Fishy Smell? Anal Glands in Dogs

A dog's backside.

Anal glands are a part of every dog’s anatomy and can produce odors from time to time. If you have noticed a fishy smell coming from your pup, chances are it is the anal glands. The team at Harpeth Hills Animal Hospital is here to fill you in on why your dog might be smelling kind of fishy all of a sudden:


A Look at Creepy Cat Behavior: Why Does My Cat Stare At Me..?

A cat stares at the camera.

For some, simply knowing that cats stare at people isn’t enough to dismiss it. Indeed, it can be deeply unsettling to be the target of intense feline focus. 

While a staring contest with your cat might be the perfect pandemic activity, it still doesn’t explain why they do it. Cat behavior is often puzzling, but we think we might have a few ideas to explain this particularly odd conduct of kitties.


Frito Feet: The Truth About Smelly Dog Paws

A woman holds her dog's paw.

Let’s face it, dogs aren’t known for their lovely smell. With their penchant for investigating garbage and other unappetizing items, it’s no wonder dogs don’t maintain that “fresh from the bath” scent for very long.

One smell that isn’t exactly horrible, and seems to be almost universal, is that strangely familiar corn chip smell emanating from their paws. Often referred to as “Frito feet,” this odd (yet not always unpleasant) smell can have dog owners wondering why their pets’ paws smell like a popular snack food!


Harpeth Hills Animal Hospital’s Top Blogs of 2020

Just when we thought 2020 had come to an end, 2021 began… And while this year is shaping up to be an experience all its own, we can rest assured that our pets’ love and companionship will see us through the days ahead.

This past year, many have found themselves spending more time with their pets that ever before; which, of course, our pets have absolutely loved. With that, tough, pet owners have had the opportunity to witness more of our pets’ lives, quirks, and health than ever before, and we are grateful for those who have turned to our pet blog for answers.

And so, as we are want to do when the calendar turns, we offer you our top 5 most-read blogs of the year. May these popular blogs help to remind you of something you have learned, or inspire you to read more…


What Every New Pet Owner Needs to Know

dog carrying ball

There’s a big difference between imagining a life shared with a pet – and actually bringing one home. Without a doubt, their sweet, silly cuteness goes a long way toward solidifying your bond,  but when things start to get “real” around the house, expectations and reality may collide. To truly understand the immense responsibility, a new pet owner should zoom out to focus on the big picture.
