Posts in Category: Seasonal Pet Care
Holiday Travel With Pets: What Every Pet Owner Needs to Know

If you’re hitting the road or flying the friendly skies with your pets this holiday season, you’ve come to the right place! In this blog, our team at Harpeth Hills Animal Hospital
shares some of our favorite helpful hints for holiday travel with pets.
Continue…The Importance of Regular Check-ups: Why November is a Great Time for a Vet Visit

The weather is cooler, the holidays are on the horizon, and now is the perfect time to schedule your pet’s next wellness visit. These annual visits are paramount for your pet’s overall health, and now is a great time to get an appointment scheduled.
Continue…Pet-Friendly Halloween Activities in Nashville

While Nashville is generally one of the coolest towns for pets, it truly comes alive in the days before Halloween. On any given day, you might see cauldrons full of scrumptious pet treats, pumpkin patches beckoning brave four-legged participants, or restaurant patios brimming with pet costume contests and seasonal revelry. Without a doubt, Nashville has a hair-raising array of pet-friendly events, activities, and spooky watering holes to set the mood. For the pets that enjoy Halloween, we’ve got you covered.
Continue…Heartworm Disease in Pets: Prevention and Treatment

Worms… in the heart? Yes, you heard that right. Heartworm disease in pets is a real problem, and Harpeth Hills Animal Hospital wants you to know all about it. Heartworm preventives are key to avoiding this devastating disease, and all pet owners should be prepared.
Continue…Fourth of July Pet Safety

While the 4th of July is a joyful holiday for most, it can cause significant fear for your pets. With a little bit of preparation and a few precautions, you can help minimize this stress. Keep reading for some tips on Fourth of July pet safety.
Continue…Autumn Pet Safety: Keeping Your Pets Safe This Fall

As fall sets in here in Tennessee, many of us have autumn fun on our lists of things to do. Harpeth Hills Animal Hospital wants to be sure that all of our pets are included in the fall festivities, and that they are able to stay safe while doing so. Autumn pet safety is important, and we want to be sure that potential hazards are on your list.
Continue…Spring Has Sprung: Managing Allergies in Pets

Ah, Nashville in the springtime–green grass and sunny weather. And pollen. Lots of pollen. Just like people, pets can have seasonal and environmental allergies. Also just like in people, allergies in pets are often not much fun. Harpeth Hills Animal Hospital has the best tips for you to make it through spring allergies in pets, though.