Posts in Category: Pet Health & Wellness
Unusual Pet Symptoms You Should Never Ignore

As devoted pet parents, we know it’s important to shower our fur babies with plenty of TLC, keep up with their routine wellness exams, and seek treatment when we spot the signs of pet illness. However, knowing when our pets are sick can be tricky sometimes. Pet health warning signs can be subtle, especially early on, so our team at Harpeth Hills Animal Hospital has put together a list of 10 unusual pet symptoms that should never be ignored.
Continue…The Role of Blood Tests in Routine Pet Check-Ups: What Are Vets Looking For?

Routine veterinary visits are essential for keeping your pet healthy, and pet blood tests are a big part of these visits. If you’ve ever wondered what exactly your vet is looking for during this routine checkup bloodwork, you’re in the right place.
The team at Harpeth Hills Animal Hospital will share why veterinary blood testing is so important—and what it can tell your veterinarian.
Continue…Why Is My Cat Refusing Food?

It can be very disheartening to search for food that you think/hope your cat will, maybe, nibble at only to find that they walked away from the bowl after one sniff. Not only is it a waste of food and time, but it can be extremely worrisome when a cat refuses to eat. Some cats are just finicky and will eat when they get hungry enough. Other cats may be suffering from a hidden medical condition. We can help cat owners figure out what’s causing feline food refusal and help entice cats toward a full bowl.
Continue…The Importance of Regular Check-ups: Why November is a Great Time for a Vet Visit

The weather is cooler, the holidays are on the horizon, and now is the perfect time to schedule your pet’s next wellness visit. These annual visits are paramount for your pet’s overall health, and now is a great time to get an appointment scheduled.
Continue…Pet-Friendly Halloween Activities in Nashville

While Nashville is generally one of the coolest towns for pets, it truly comes alive in the days before Halloween. On any given day, you might see cauldrons full of scrumptious pet treats, pumpkin patches beckoning brave four-legged participants, or restaurant patios brimming with pet costume contests and seasonal revelry. Without a doubt, Nashville has a hair-raising array of pet-friendly events, activities, and spooky watering holes to set the mood. For the pets that enjoy Halloween, we’ve got you covered.
Continue…Top 10 Signs Your Dog Needs to Visit The Vet

As pet owners, we want nothing more than to know our furry friends are healthy and happy. But knowing when your dog is sick can be tricky. At the first sign of an unusual symptom, you might be asking yourself, “Is my dog sick?”
Continue…Heartworm Disease in Pets: Prevention and Treatment

Worms… in the heart? Yes, you heard that right. Heartworm disease in pets is a real problem, and Harpeth Hills Animal Hospital wants you to know all about it. Heartworm preventives are key to avoiding this devastating disease, and all pet owners should be prepared.
Continue…Fourth of July Pet Safety

While the 4th of July is a joyful holiday for most, it can cause significant fear for your pets. With a little bit of preparation and a few precautions, you can help minimize this stress. Keep reading for some tips on Fourth of July pet safety.
Continue…Pet-Safe Cleaning Products: Keeping Your Home Clean Without Harmful Chemicals

Is it possible to have a clean home and a safe pet? Harpeth Hills Animal Hospital says yes, without a doubt! With pet-safe cleaning products and smart choices, you can have a sparkling space and a happy pet.
Continue…Hot Pavement Awareness: Protecting Your Pet’s Paws During Nashville’s Summers

Tennessee summers can get pretty toasty, so it’s important to provide extra protection for your pet’s paws when encountering hot surfaces like sidewalks, pool decks, and pavement.
Without a doubt, your pet’s furry feet deserve plenty of pampering year-round, but special precautions are needed when the mercury rises. At Harpeth Hills Animal Hospital, we want you and your pets to enjoy a summer filled with plenty of time outdoors, so we’ve compiled some of our favorite summer paw care tips.