Posts in Category: Pet Grooming & Style
What’s That Fishy Smell? Anal Glands in Dogs

Anal glands are a part of every dog’s anatomy and can produce odors from time to time. If you have noticed a fishy smell coming from your pup, chances are it is the anal glands. The team at Harpeth Hills Animal Hospital is here to fill you in on why your dog might be smelling kind of fishy all of a sudden:
Continue…The Foundation of Health and Longevity: Why Pet Wellness Care Matters

In the medical world, we often talk about how important early detection is through regular wellness examinations. This is also true in veterinary medicine, where we have shifted from addressing problems as they arise, to a modality that is vastly proactive and effective. This is done through regular pet wellness care.
Many pet owners ask us about the need for pet wellness, especially when their pets seem completely healthy and happy. And we are glad you ask. Pet wellness is an important preventive approach to your pet’s health that can keep them vibrant, feeling great, and healthy for years to come.
Continue…Help! We’ve Been Skunked!

Nothing like a big ole whiff of skunk perfume at 10 p.m. just as your pet is coming in from its “last call” potty break, right? If you are unlucky enough to have been skunked, not to worry, Harpeth Hills Animal Hospital knows just how to help.
Skunk Perfume
If you’re not the one smelling it, skunk spray is actually pretty interesting. Skunks, much like dogs and cats, have glands on their behinds. Unlike dogs and cats, though, skunks have voluntary control of how and when they express these glands. They have been known to spray quite forcefully and very accurately up to 15 feet!
When a skunk sprays, it is a form of self defense. The spray is not in unlimited supply, either, so the skunk often gives several warnings and tries to escape before unleashing its pungent perfume. When it comes down to it, though, a skunk can spray as many as six times in a row.
Continue…Yuck! Why Does My Pet Stink?

Let’s face it, pets have an aroma that isn’t always so pleasant. They love to explore in the rain, snow, and mud. They roll around in mystery muck. They use litter boxes or squat outside to do their business. It’s understandable why your pet doesn’t smell like a bouquet of roses, but if they are really stinky, there may be a medical problem at play.
There are several reasons why pets have bad odor. The team at Harpeth Hills Animal Hospital is here to answer your question: “why does my pet stink?”
Health, Happiness, and Good Looks: Pet Grooming at Harpeth Hills

Everyone feels better when they’re clean, and pets are no different. Although most pet owners incorporate some aspects of grooming into their pet care routine, not everyone understands the link between pet grooming and health.
Besides helping our companions look and feel their best, home and professional grooming allows you to keep tabs on their overall health and strengthens the bond you share.
Are you ready to make grooming an important part of your pet’s care? Let’s get started!
Continue…Pet Grooming: Keep to a Routine for Optimal Health
The business of self-care is a big one. Drive down any main thoroughfare, and you’ll see a menagerie of nail salons, spas, and barber shops. We feel good when we look good – and the same is true for animals. Sure, many pets keep themselves fairly tidy (we’re looking at you, cats), but self-grooming is no match for the full-service variety. You get a fresh-smelling, clean pet at home, but what’s more, they feel their best when regular pet grooming is a priority.
Paws-itive Impact
Think about how often you clean, comb, and brush your own hair. Well, dogs and cats experience the same great feeling with routine brushing. This helps remove loose hairs and debris, stimulates blood flow to the skin, and evenly distributes naturally occurring oils. Say goodbye to hairballs! Continue…