Posts in Category: Pet Emergencies & First Aid
Top 10 Signs Your Dog Needs to Visit The Vet

As pet owners, we want nothing more than to know our furry friends are healthy and happy. But knowing when your dog is sick can be tricky. At the first sign of an unusual symptom, you might be asking yourself, “Is my dog sick?”
Continue…Evacuation Plans for Pets When Severe Weather Strikes

While going into survival mode can make for interesting, compelling TV programming, it’s not necessarily a concept most people are comfortable with. However, there are increasing risks to our safety with regard to severe weather and natural disasters. When it comes to creating and maintaining an overarching approach to pet safety, acknowledging the potential dangers of severe weather is necessary. Because it’s better to have what your pet needs than the alternative, we offer some helpful tips for careful planning and preparation.
Continue…Pet Poison Prevention Month

There really isn’t a time of year completely free of potential pet hazards. Between all the chocolate-heavy holidays, the toxic blooms all spring, and the ongoing use of household cleaners, medications, and foods, the peril to pets is very real regardless of season. Luckily, March is Pet Poison Prevention Month, and it is the perfect time to raise awareness and promote the prevention of pet poisonings.
Continue…People Foods Pets Should Avoid

To many of us, nothing says “I love you” like a home cooked meal or a special treat. And most of us like to share our love with our pets in the same way – by giving the gift of food.
But there are many people foods to avoid in pets – some you may not be aware of. And whether you love to cook for your dog or cat, or you have a toddler who throws food on the floor to your eagerly awaiting pet, awareness of what’s okay to give and what’s not is the first step in preventing a pet emergency.
Continue…Quality of Life Assessment for Pets: When to Let Go

One of the tragedies of owning pets is that they never outlive us. Indeed, there are so many exciting, wonderful, and fun times to be had with our pets, and it’s our continuing goal to help you keep them as healthy and happy for a lifetime. But when their life is winding down, how do you know when it’s time to let them go?
This can be one of the most difficult and even agonizing decisions we face as pet owners. However, there are some excellent assessment tools for evaluating your pet’s quality of life that can help you to make a decision that is the kindest to them as well as peaceful for you. When you’re ready to discuss these difficult conversations, let us know. Harpeth Hills Animal Hospital is here for you.
Continue…Prevent a Pet Emergency: Know What to Look For
The concept of preparation is drilled into us at an early age. We lay out our clothes the night before picture day; we pack our bags and lunchboxes ahead of time; we study for the big test well in advance. To be sure, we’re better equipped for success when we’re prepared. The same is true with pet ownership.
While no one ever wants their pet to endure a pet emergency, it’s critical that we’re always prepared to deal with one just in case.